In John 20:17 when Jesus resurrected he saw Mary Magdalene and told her that "...I am ascending to my God and your God". What this simply means is that Christ is created and is not God. In Mark12:28-29 Jesus was asked what is the greatest commandment and he said "Hear, O Israel, The Lord our God, the Lord is one". But the Trinity Doctrine means that there are three Lords in one God; the Father, Christ and the Holy Spirit. Christ is not God and the Holy Spirit is not God but the Spirit of God. Some use a so-called higher logic and say that John said in John 1:1 that in the beginning was the word which was with God and which was God. This is the witness of of John. Which witness has more authority, that of Christ or that of John? Those who say that in Genesis 1:26 God said "Let us make man in our own image" means it was Jesus He was talking to have not read the Bible well. If they read it well they will see who God was talking to at the creation of man on earth. We should not allow words like "the finger", "the Spirit", "son", "the Word" and so on of God to confuse us.Those who want to know the unique position of Jesus in the creation of God should also read the Bible well.